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Dr. Sarah Eisa AlMusallam

Dr. Sarah Eisa AlMusallam
Consultant, Dermatology
- Derma Care Centre
- Al Messila Medical Tower
Spoken language : Arabic / English
Specialized in:
- Treatment of different Skin diseases (eg. Acne, eczema, vitiligo, psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa, chronic urticaria).
- Surgical removal of navus, small fatty deposits, skin Tumors & biopsy.
- Removal of skin tags and warts.
- Subcision for treatment of acne scar.
- Botox and Filler.
- Mesotherapy for skin rejuvenation, whitening and hair loss.
- Melting fat by injections.
- Platelet rich plasma injection for face and hair.
- Treatment of skin pigmentation and dark circle.
- Treat different skin problems & dilated pores by Dermapen, peeling and laser.
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