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Dr. Mustafa AlMahmid

Dr. Mustafa AlMahmid
Consultant, Urology
- Urology, Andrology and ESWL Center
- Al Salam Al Assima Hospital
Spoken language : Arabic / English
Specialized in:
- Urinary tract stone therapy (Endourology, Laser, PCNL, ESWL).
- Management of genitourinary tumors.
- BPH & prostate cancer.
- Andrology and male Infertility.
- Day case procedures (hydrocele, varicocele, undescended testis).
- Urinary incontinence, nocturnal enuresis & urodynamic study.
- Chronic prostatitis & recurrent lower urinary tract infection.
WhatsApp : +965-1830003
Call : +965-1830003
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