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Dr. Amnah Al Rasheedi

Dr. Amnah Al Rasheedi
Consultant, Ophthalmologist
- Ophthalmology
- Al Salam Al Assima Hospital
Spoken language : Arabic / English
Specialized in:
- Diabetic retinobathy.
- Glaucoma.
- Cataract.
- Amblyopia prevention.
- Dry eye & Uveitits.
- Eye inflammation.
- Eye enlargment canthoplasty.
- Blepharoplasty.
- Chalazion removal.
- Eyelid tumor excision and treatment.
- Pterygium.
- Phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implants.
- Fillers and botox injections to the face.
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Call : +965-1830003
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